Archive for the tag “Project”

Mini Projects

I lack a most sought after virtue; patience. As a result I excel at mini projects. I can never bring myself to begin an intricate, long winded pattern that will take a whole month. I prefer to act on my bursts of creativity immediately and produce something fabulous in an evening. I consider an Agatha Christie’s Poirot to be the ideal length of time a mini project should take. Who needs a stopwatch when you have those little grey cells ticking away? N’est pas?

Below are two of my more recent mini-projects.

The first was taken from a book. A wonderful aid to mini projects is the local library. It had never occurred to me to look for knitting patterns there but they have a whole wealth of books with all sorts of different ideas. I picked up Mug Hugs by Alison Howard and have used her ideas for a couple of presents. I made this personalised mug for my friend Joe. I’m pleased to say he loved it 🙂

Personalised Mug Hug – to keep your beverage toasty warm!

This card I love, and there’s a story behind it. Many moons ago, my Granny knitted an awesome sweater. When she found out I was moving to Canada she gave it to me and it was possibly the warmest thing I have ever worn. This is the Granny who also taught me to knit, so the sweater has come to embody a physical realisation of the skill passed down the family tree.

Awesome jumper knitted by my Granny. Fashioned here by yours truly, celebrating my birthday on the frozen Rideau Canal in Ottawa

This month saw my Granny’s 86th birthday and with all this I knew exactly what I wanted her card to look like. I knitted the jumper on normal needles and then transferred the final row onto a cocktail stick. I did in fact knit one row using the miniature needles and then left it half way as seen here. Bizarrely rewarding! Needless to say, she loved the card too 🙂

Miniature version of the above

Maybe one day I’ll take on a big project. But in the mean time, I’m quite happy churning out these mini projects. And of course, watching Poirot 😉

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